Vivazen CBD Liquid Hemp Review

Vivazen CBD Liquid Shot Experience

Does Vivazen CBD Liquid Shot Work?

Product: CBD Hemp Liquid Shot

Manufacturer: Vivazen (VZ Distribution, LLC, Phoenix, AZ)


Cost: $14.99

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

I found this Vivazen product in a local smoke shop.  This is the first time I have seen a Vivazen product that was not kratom-based. I have used their kratom products for years and found them very effective. So given I have yet to have a truly favorable experience with CBD, I was excited to see a trusted brand release a CBD/hemp based product.  The bottle is the same size as their kratom bottles, but the labeling is a white, “natural-feeling” rebranding which I found truly aesthetically pleasing. Like some of their kratom products, the front label repeats the slogan “Feel Good Relief.”  The label states it contains a fast acting, “full spectrum hemp formula.”  It also states that the product contains “high bio-availability” – whatever that means. And like their kratom product, the label repeats that the herbal blend contains ingredients that have been “used for centuries” and that the product should not be consumed with alcohol or while operating heavy machinery.

Product Administration

Vivazen has always been very good about instructions for use, labeling, and product information. The supplement facts panel for their liquid hemp product lists the primary ingredient as “Full Spectrum Hemp Oil Extract” and states 50 mg to be within the container.  The additional ingredients include water, blood orange flavor, monk fruit extract, citric acid, and potassium sorbate. There is one serving per container and I chose to drink two of these liquid shots at once.

Product Effects

I was to expect (or so the clerk advised me at the smoke shop) some anxiety relief, relaxation, and “feel good” pain relief.  Unfortunately, I did not experience any of these things. The product made me slightly drowsy, but other than that, I felt it was a total bust and waste of money.  It is more expensive than their kratom shots, which actually do provide favorable effects (though nothing like what CBD is supposed to do).  The liquid also had a very unfavorable taste, which included an aftertaste I could not shake for several hours afterwards.

Final Thoughts

Besides tasting awful, being extremely expensive for the quantity, and a slightly leaky container (unlike Vivazen, so I’ll chalk that up to bad luck), there was also the fact it was not effective.  I do like the company and I did find the presentation to be professional and thorough.  This includes the labeling and information on the label, as well as bottle choice in general.  Still, I was left largely disappointed with a severe lack of positive effects and experience. Sorry guys, but as much as I like your kratom products, I absolutely hated this one and felt it was a total waste of money and time! I can only award Vivazen’s CBD liquid shot a 2 out of 5 Star Fat Sammy Rating.