Druid Mood Herbal Smoke Blend Review

Product: Druid Mood Blend Herbal Smoke (1 oz)


Manufacturer/Vendor: IamShaman.com

Website: https://www.iamshaman.com/eshop/10Expand.asp?ProductUID=1113&ProductCode=SDB-HOZ

Cost: $19.99

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

Druid’s Mood Blend is not so expensive for how much you get, in theory.* I want to start out by saying I do like I Am Shaman, and have used them for some stuff before. That said, although it took a little while to get to me, it did eventually show up in a professional packaging (like most of their products). This product focuses on a whirlwind of “organic” ingredients. I am not sure if there is spice in this or not, if there is, I would consider this rather weak considering the other spice blends I have tried in the past. Still, it is meant to be smoked, and had a consistent texture and composition (not too many stems or too much of any one herb was present in the mixture). A lot of the herbs included in the recipe are long known to be used in spice products, and sold as herbal incense, much like Druid Mood Blend.

*Read the full review, as the product greatly lacks in effectiveness.

Product Administration

I smoked 3 bowls of this out of a fresh, small glass pipe for about an hour, 20 minutes apart each time. I had consumed a couple of pop tarts about 30 minutes before. I was awake for about 6 hours without taking any other substances, and would call it a really pretty day outside, and so I decided to use Druid Mood Blend outdoors. I figured nature would make it better.

Product Effects

A few moments after smoking Druid Mood Blend, I felt a little drowsy. Almost a “super light” melatonin-like effect, if you will. I did not feel like eating, sleeping or doing anything social. I didn’t even feel like talking. I kind of felt slightly nauseated, however, I did not throw up or even come close to it. It was just an overall tired, and roughly bad experience. The best way I can explain it, would be to compare it to how you feel when you are jet lagged. It’s not a good feeling, but…sure it could be arguable that you are “sort of” high. Especially if you had consumed any alcohol before the flight, or used any of the anti-motion sickness medications. The effects only lasted about 20 minutes each time I hit the bowl. I did this for about an hour total before deciding that this wasn’t pleasant enough to continue.

I should also mention it generated a headache afterwards, which I definitely attribute to the Druids “Mood Blend.”

Final Thoughts

Ultimately the Druid Mood “Herbal Smoke” Blend was not worth the money and honestly didn’t do that much for me. A friend of mine had also partook in this experiment but had reported even less effects than I did. Still, Druid Mood Blend is more effective than smoking actual lawn grass, and thus, it does deserve at least a 2 star rating, however, I cannot say that I will purchase this again. And I most certainly would not recommend it to anyone else. It is worth mentioning again that the smoke it produced was really harsh too…so harsh, I cannot imagine it is worth any of the super light effects.

Botanical Zen Maca Review

Product: Maca Root Extract 10:1


Manufacturer/Vendor: Botanical Zen

Website: http://www.botanicalzen.com/maca-extract-

Cost: $10.00

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

Given this product was only $10, I was not expecting too much, so I was pleasantly surprised to see a professional foil sealed package of the stuff show up. In fact, it isn’t hard to tell that Botanical Zen cared about even their smaller 30 gram orders, still making freshness as a top priority. The Maca extract was a light tan powder, smelled good, felt soft, with no hard clumps or signs of expiration. It was very clearly marked and had the correct number of grams I ordered and product label on the package. I hadn’t used any Botanical Zen products, so this is officially my first Botanical Zen review.

Product Administration

Maca extract of this potency I have heard does not require so much. I have read many people eating Maca, and a few people smoking it; But when I was trying to decide how to take my Maca extract, I decided to go with the sublingual method first and oral method second (stirring into a tea).

For my first experiment, I placed 1 gram of the extract under my gum line and a little under my tongue and let it sit for about 20 minutes. I then added another half a gram, ignoring my mouth’s general numbness (not from the extract but from having to keep my jaw still so long and clamped shut. This 1.5 gram sat very uncomfortably in my mouth, producing almost unbearable saliva nonstop for about 20 more minutes. Finally I spit it all out. I repeated this dosage about an hour later, and again about 30 minutes after the second dose was complete. A total of 4.5 grams was taken within 3 hours, sublingual.

For my second experiment, I consumed 3 grams of Maca Extract 10:1 from Botanical Zen mixed in a glass of cold water. I drank it all straight within 10 minutes and began to read a bit of Aldous Huxley’s “The Doors of Perception.” I did not consume anymore in this second session (days apart from the first).

Product Effects

The first experiment was kind of gross, as it is not really fun to keep an extract of this micronized size in the mouth for so long. Having so much saliva production is also very difficult to deal with. The effects were maybe a little light stimulation, but mostly, I did not notice any euphoria, no bursts of energy, no libido boost..nothing that you would expect from an extract of this quality. That is a little depressing, but I figure the sublingual method may have not been good enough for absorption.

Thus, I tried also the oral method, for experiment number two. After about 30 minutes from when I consumed the tea, I did feel a little horny. But other than that, for about an hour or so, I did not notice much. Still, it was a “sample,” I feel of what Maca can do in the bedroom. I believe if I drank a lot more, I’d probably feel a lot more of a libido boost. I have heard though that it can work a lot better when combined with other ingredients, as it can be “better activated” when other ingredients are also doing their thing.

Final Thoughts

Maca extract is much better when it is combined with other ingredients and used in a supplement form. I have tried a couple other Maca extracts, and many other Maca-based supplements and gotten really good mood-enhancing, sex-enhancing, and energizing-stimulation effects from it…but I was having trouble getting this to work well with this particular extract. Some products and extracts are selective in whom they metabolize properly for. And usually administration method matters a great deal (which is why I tried two different methods for this one). Still, Botanical Zen seemed to be an authentic dealer and I would be open to trying other products from them in the future and may purchase something else soon.

Druids Fantasy Review

Product: Druids Fantasy “Herbal High”

Manufacturer/Vendor: Azarius.net

Website: https://azarius.net/smartshop/energy/psychedelics/druids_fantasy/

Cost: $22.95

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

So I got my hands on some Druid’s Fantasy Herbal High Pills from a local headshop on a discount from having had them around for a while. I did locate them online, at Azarius, however, they do not seem to be in stock…in fact, nothing does. But anyway, because I ended up trying it myself and just in case there is anyone looking for an experience, I decided to still review it still. The package itself feels kind of cheap, reminding me of something I’d buy in the “as seen on TV” aisle by the check out register at walmart. There are 6 capsules in each pack. The product relies on Morning Glory Seeds which are basically used for their LSA (Lysergic Acid Amide). And LSA is very similar to LSD when administered correctly.

Product Administration

The capsules smelled really bad. Something really rank inside of them. But, I did not by Druid’s Fantasy for the aroma. I bought it for its legal high. I ended up consuming all 6 pills within 24 hours. They tasted bad, smelled bad and I read you should not consume too much beforehand, so I only had a bagel about an hour prior.

Product Effects

I do not recommend this, the nausea was terrible and the headache was really strong. I tried to get the good effects of LSA but could not get it from this. I have had many good hawaiian baby woodrose seed experiences, but this experience was really awful, and it is probably because it used the LSA from morning glory seeds which I realize require so much more to be effective. With consuming more seeds, means also consuming more of the “bad stuff” in the seeds, which make you sick and ruin your trip. I think maybe they just grind the seeds up and combine it with stuff or something, but they probably leave the bad stuff in, as I was extremely sick on this product. I felt very nauseous and could not even really control it, the vomiting would constantly just come on like a light bulb, over and over again. Normally if you vomit on an LSA trip it is just once and then you are mostly good…but I just kept on vomiting. I did get a really low key euphoria, and my body felt really really heavy for about 30 minutes or so at one point. I was excited because I thought it was kicking in…but let down to realize that was actually the full-on peak. I h ad basically no memorable dreams that night, which is also weird, as LSA usually promotes awesome dreams.

Final Thoughts

Unfortunately, most people who are into this kind of stuff realize very quickly that LSA is best as a sublingual administration (under the tongue). So these pills involve consuming a powdered morning glory seed concoction that is almost guaranteed to make someone nauseous. And it does, seriously, but it also works to some extent (maybe not much, but still some). It’s kind of unpleasant having to consume so many capsules. While Druid’s Fantasy worked, it did not provide nearly enough effect for the money, and I can’t imagine consuming more pills just to get more nauseous, so it ultimately felt like a rip off. Even with the negative effects and mostly negative experience, it admittedly did provide some effects, including a light relaxation and slight euphoria for a little while; And because it absolutely altered my mental state, it receives 2 stars instead of 1. Still, I would not call this product pleasant or a true LSD substitute as it is marketed. And the nausea was extreme. Approach with caution. And if you choose to do it, do not give up on LSA if you have a bad experience on this, as there are plenty of GOOD experiences to be had on hawaiian baby woodrose seeds.

Snow Blow Powder Review (by Ice Head Shop and Coffee Sh0p)

Product: Snow Blow Energy Powder


Manufacturer/Vendor: Coffeesh0p & ICE Headshop

Website: https://www.coffeesh0p.com and https://www.iceheadshop.co.uk

Cost: $7.99

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

Snow Blow is supposed to be a legal cocaine substitute. It is snorted. They literally suggest that Snow Blow was invented because of the recent bans on psychoactive substances and research chemicals that has made it harder for people to get high legally. They suggest that the product is a combination of chemicals (most of which seem like normal energy drink chemicals), as well as Methylxanthine Caffeine. The product suggests not ingesting more than 400 mg of Caffeine in a 24 hour period, but it does not indicate how much caffeine is in each packet. The packaging was low quality, but it did come with extra information which mostly seems to be purely to disclaim liability on their part (pretty smart considering they are telling people to pretty much snort caffeine).

Product Administration

I have never been the type to knock something without trying it. I snorted 3 lines of Snow Blow, all within 15 minutes. I snorted another 3 lines within 1 hour. I feel, if I would have snorted any more, my extremely dry nasal cavities would have begun to bleed, and I felt I had snorted enough of it to know for sure if it would work or not (and to what extent). I had to sift through a lot of the powder to find something I felt comfortable snorting, as part of the packaging seems to have flaked away and was present in the powder. This made me a little uneasy, as no one wants to snort plastic or foil. I felt I got enough of it cleaned to where I could proceed, and played video games during and after administration.

Product Effects

I did feel the effects of this almost right away after snorting it. It was very painful, and felt like it dried my nose out really quickly…however, it was definitely effective. No where near as effective as actual cocaine, or really anything I’ve ever snorted…however, it most certainly was felt more than the other products they sell which contain the same caffeine (only administered as capsules). The caffeine buzz for each line I snorted felt like it lasted about 5 minutes. I had a really tired feeling about 2 hours after the first line, and could not handle snorting more, so I ended up crashing shortly after that. I never seem to get very good sleep when I’m done anything with Methylxanthine Caffeine.

Final Thoughts

The only reason this “legal cocaine” product is not getting a 1 star rating, is because it did work to some extent. Even if each line was only effective for 5 minutes, it at least did something noticeable, which told me there are at least SOME psychoactive chemicals in the powder. I would not say it was worth the money or experience, as it took a lot out of me and did not provide any real benefit or euphoria. I do get more energy from an energy drink. Ironically a lot of the ingredients in Snow Blow could very well be found in actual energy drinks (probably in far greater quantities in the energy drink). I do not suggest people snort caffeine. It’s really not worth it and while snorting caffeine does work, the effects are short lived, more detrimental than longer-lived substances, and kind of all-around terrible feeling. Making a product like this seems a little irresponsible (and that’s really something coming from me)…as people may be looking for legal highs, but they still want something that is safe.

OPMs Kratom Silver, Maeng Da Capsules Review

Product: OPMs Kratom Maeng Da

Manufacturer/Vendor: Choice Organics

Website: OPMKratom.com

Cost: $22.00

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

OPMs Kratom has been around for a long time and used to be sold in a variety of dietary supplement-style fashions. They were very open about being able to consume the Kratom as a tea or in capsules. The packages now say on the back that the capsules are “used as carriers or containers for the Mitragyna Speciosa, and to help facilitate the handling of raw powder.” It then sends you to the website for another, more thorough disclaimer. OPMs stands for Organically Purified Mitragyna Speciosa.

Product Administration

I took 2 capsules back to back within a couple of minutes, waited 20 minutes, took another 2 capsules…waited another 60 minutes and took another 2 capsules. I took the entire package of 16 capsules within 2 days with a reasonable amount of water.

Product Effects

I barely felt the effects of the Maeng Da Silver blend (which was explained to be the strongest blend they sell), despite consuming 8 capsules within 6 hours on one day, and 8 capsules within 4 hours on the second day. I am a daily Kratom user and enjoy other brands, which will remain nameless in this review as the purpose is not to promote another brand, but to right an objective review of OPMs Kratom. I barely noticed the Kratom at all though, and doubt if I took more I would have noticed it any better. It was even an extract, so it should have been stronger than a straight powder…although straight powders seem easily stronger than this.

Final Thoughts

Their product has been subpar in my opinion in the past (too long ago to write an official review), because of the price. It’s way too expensive for very little effects. This new version of OPMs Kratom (“not for human consumption”) is no different when consumed…still very expensive for little effect. With the experience that comes from using Kratom daily, I can say that this Kratom no where near stacks up to being any where near as strong as the average blend on the market. Don’t let the Maeng Da part fool you. If Kratom is your thing, better to just go with a straight powder from another vendor.

LeanBAK Relaxing Potion Legal Sedative Review

Product: LeanBAK Relaxing Potion

Manufacturer/Vendor: Nutrizone

Website: Nirvanio.net

Cost: $12.99

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

LeanBAK is marketed after the popular “pop” and “rap” songs referencing “lean” and grape drink. It is sort of supposed to emulate a codeine type of high. The bottle itself has the words ‘relaxing potion’ and it is specifically grape in flavor. The product is relying upon a few different ingredients, however, namely a 5-HTP formula to create the sedative-type of effects.

Product Administration

The product label suggests shaking and drinking the entire 2 oz (60 mL) bottle in one sitting. Because it is a liquid, it is taken much like a 5 hour energy shot. It’s about the same size as a 5 hour energy shot as well.

Product Effects

I consumed the entire bottle after only having a light lunch a few hours earlier. I began to feel a little relaxed about 20-30 minutes in. The relaxation was noticeable, and I did not care about anything I would normally be anxious about, for about 1 hour. After that, I began feeling an overwhelming anxiety, as if it had come back, tenfold. I then proceeded to engage my toilet in the most interactive and intense diarrhea exercises I have ever partook in. There were musical instruments of all types pouring sound right out of my bum! All in all, I only experienced about 1 hour of mild anxiety relief – I wouldn’t compare it to a xanax by any means…maybe more like…taking a strong melatonin before you go to sleep. Boo!

Final Thoughts

Conclusively, basically, we are talking about a 5 hour energy shot that tastes like Dimatapp, but is nowhere near as effective. LeanBAK does not provide a legal high of any value near $12.99, nor does it cure my cold…however, it did provide noticeably relaxing effects…along with turning my bottom into a diarrhea machine. If it didn’t give me terrible diarrhea all day and night, it might have gotten a “Three Star Fat Sammy” rating. Ultimately, no one wants to pay $12.99 per melatonin only to have it taste like Dimatapp.

Hi-Octane Energy Pills and Legal Stimulant Review

Product: Hi-Octane Legal Stimulant

Manufacturer/Vendor: Pills 4 Party

Website: Pills4Party.com

Cost: $29.95

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

Hi-Octane is marketed as a legal stimulant. You get 12 pills for $29.95, and they rely on DMAA and Oxedrine as well as caffeine. The product seems to be for sale on a few different sites, but seems to come from Australia no matter which site you buy it from. The package and pill bottle feel a little low quality, and the pills look low quality as well, however, I still decided to give it a shot.

Product Administration

The product label describes taking 1 pill 45 minutes before desired effects. I did take 1 pill 45 minutes before I went out with some friends last weekend. I then re-dosed twice, the first time being an hour after the first pill…and the second re-dose being 2 hours after the first pill…for a total of 3 pills within 2 hours.

Product Effects

I did not feel anything after taking the first pill, which is why an hour later I took a second. I then felt a little bit of a stimulating effect…given I did have a slightly larger meal beforehand…I was just worried about the product being shady and wanted to be able to “layer the impact.” Regardless, the 3rd pill provided me the extra “kick” that I think they were going for. It felt kind of like I chugged a cup of coffee. I was excited, jittery and energetic for about 15 minutes…and then I began to feel kind of terrible. And we’re talking all around terrible…the kind of terrible that drinking a gallon of water doesn’t resolve. This “terrible feeling” eventually turned into a mood swing that got me so irritable I couldn’t be around anyone for the rest of the day without going off on them.

Final Thoughts

In the end, the total effects from Hi-Octane energy pills were felt for about 20-25 minutes, and it took me 3 pills to get there. The product really sketched me out from the moment it arrived, however, I try really hard never to judge a book by its cover. Still, this product could not achieve greater than a 2 star rating, purely because its effects were far from impressive. I now have 9 more of these pills sitting in a cheapo Tylenol-looking bottle with a label that I could have printed off in my garage, and I will never take them. I would not call this a true legal stimulant, but it might receive a raspberry award or something.

SleepWalker Pills

Product: Sleep Walker 20 count

Manufacturer/Vendor: Red Dawn

Website: RedDawnEnergy.com

Cost: $29.99

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

The SleepWalker Pills from Red Dawn used to be promoted a couple years ago for energy. At least, that’s what my head shop told me and that’s what the package said. Nowadays the product has “evolved” into an anxiety xanax type of product. It relies on phenibut and GABA, both known for their sedation, calming and tranquilizer effects…along with Bacopa Monnieri, known for its cognitive / alertness properties..

Product Administration

In total, I took 4 capsules within an hour. I took the first two capsules and waited 30 minutes without feeling much; therefore decided to take one more capsule at 30 minutes. I decided to take my fourth pill right under an hour in.

Product Effects

After the 4th pill, I began to feel a little bit of an energy boost. This product made me stay awake all night, but in what can only be described as an “unproductive state.” I would say that for about 20 minutes my mood was improved, however, it came crashing down 2 hours after taking the first 2 pills…and a seriously outrageous fit of anxiety overcame me. This anxiety plagued me all night and all day the following day. I should note that I tried a separate trial 2 days later, with only half the dose, 2 capsules, 15 minutes apart with plenty of water, and I felt a little less shaky but can honestly say I did not notice much of a benefit otherwise. Certainly no mood boost. As for the anxiety-relief part of the product, I would say it wound up causing me more anxiety in the end than the brief 20 minutes of relaxation I got was worth.

Final Thoughts

SleepWalker does not provide the anxiety relief I was looking for. While it may work for some people, it simply didn’t do much for me. The major crash / hangover type of feeling I had afterwards the first time (the four pill trial), makes me a little nervous of taking anymore than 4 pills in one hour. Through the years I have seen a lot of Red X Dawn products, both online and in head shops, however, I have noticed only some of them actually work.


Product Review: AddieUp

Manufacturer/Vendor: Red X Dawn

Website: Addieup.com

Cost: $9.99

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

AddieUp is sold in a lot of different ways, and while I have seen it sold in my area in several different packaging types and quantities, the most common is the 2 orange capsule packs. Their packages also say things like “Power” “Energy” and “Focus.” Clearly the product is looking to simulate the effects of Adderall. The ingredient first listed is caffeine. The packaging feels a little cheap, however, the price suggests these two pills are worth the money. Especially considering the cost of 2 legit Adderall pills on the street is probably around 10-20 dollars.

Product Use

I took 1 capsule, waited 2:25 minutes and took the other capsule.

Product Effects

I felt the onset about 20 minutes in from the first pill, noticeable energy. I also felt somewhat more motivated than normal. However, about 2 hours in, I felt like complete crap and decided to take the second capsule. This was not helpful and only worsened the effects. I got the jitters. Couldn’t focus, couldn’t concentrate and started crapping diarrhea nonstop. I had then the biggest crash I have had since my friends and I drank 66 Red Bulls in a single night.

Final Thoughts

I personally wouldn’t recommend this product to anyone. Feels kind of like a cheap gas station energy or sex enhancer product.