Druid Mood Herbal Smoke Blend Review

Product: Druid Mood Blend Herbal Smoke (1 oz)


Manufacturer/Vendor: IamShaman.com

Website: https://www.iamshaman.com/eshop/10Expand.asp?ProductUID=1113&ProductCode=SDB-HOZ

Cost: $19.99

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

Druid’s Mood Blend is not so expensive for how much you get, in theory.* I want to start out by saying I do like I Am Shaman, and have used them for some stuff before. That said, although it took a little while to get to me, it did eventually show up in a professional packaging (like most of their products). This product focuses on a whirlwind of “organic” ingredients. I am not sure if there is spice in this or not, if there is, I would consider this rather weak considering the other spice blends I have tried in the past. Still, it is meant to be smoked, and had a consistent texture and composition (not too many stems or too much of any one herb was present in the mixture). A lot of the herbs included in the recipe are long known to be used in spice products, and sold as herbal incense, much like Druid Mood Blend.

*Read the full review, as the product greatly lacks in effectiveness.

Product Administration

I smoked 3 bowls of this out of a fresh, small glass pipe for about an hour, 20 minutes apart each time. I had consumed a couple of pop tarts about 30 minutes before. I was awake for about 6 hours without taking any other substances, and would call it a really pretty day outside, and so I decided to use Druid Mood Blend outdoors. I figured nature would make it better.

Product Effects

A few moments after smoking Druid Mood Blend, I felt a little drowsy. Almost a “super light” melatonin-like effect, if you will. I did not feel like eating, sleeping or doing anything social. I didn’t even feel like talking. I kind of felt slightly nauseated, however, I did not throw up or even come close to it. It was just an overall tired, and roughly bad experience. The best way I can explain it, would be to compare it to how you feel when you are jet lagged. It’s not a good feeling, but…sure it could be arguable that you are “sort of” high. Especially if you had consumed any alcohol before the flight, or used any of the anti-motion sickness medications. The effects only lasted about 20 minutes each time I hit the bowl. I did this for about an hour total before deciding that this wasn’t pleasant enough to continue.

I should also mention it generated a headache afterwards, which I definitely attribute to the Druids “Mood Blend.”

Final Thoughts

Ultimately the Druid Mood “Herbal Smoke” Blend was not worth the money and honestly didn’t do that much for me. A friend of mine had also partook in this experiment but had reported even less effects than I did. Still, Druid Mood Blend is more effective than smoking actual lawn grass, and thus, it does deserve at least a 2 star rating, however, I cannot say that I will purchase this again. And I most certainly would not recommend it to anyone else. It is worth mentioning again that the smoke it produced was really harsh too…so harsh, I cannot imagine it is worth any of the super light effects.