Zion Herbals Gold Reserve Kratom Review

Zion Herbals Gold Reserve Kratom Experience

Product: Zion Herbals 45% Kratom Extract “Gold Reserve” (200 mg total alkaloids)


Manufacturer: Zion Herbals, Botanaway Inc

Website: [available only at headshops and smoke shops]

Cost: $14.99

General Information

The package suggests that Zion Herbals has been around since 2010, although I do not recall ever seeing them before this kratom product.  Perhaps they are local only. They had two options in the store “Silver Reserve” and “Gold Reserve,” and of course, I chose “Gold Reserve.”  The package states there are 200 mg of total alkaloids, between the two pills. There is a GMP stamp, signifying they meet General Manufacturing Practice standards. While I am not sure about the company, the pills themselves look professionally packaged and I was excited to try it!



The package has many warnings, including: keep out of reach of children, for 18+ years or older, and do not operate while using motor vehicles or heavy machinery.  It also advises against using if one is pregnant, and to consult a doctor before use. All very professional, standard warnings for a product like this.  The supplement facts panel states 1 capsule is a serving size. One capsule contains 100 mg of 45% mitragynine extract powder, 45 mg of mitragynine, and 0.15 mg of 7hydrooxymitragynine.  I took both capsules after consuming a turkey sub from WaWa and a glass of milk.

Effects / Experience

The kratom effects of lightness, giddiness, talkativeness, and mood enhancement began about 30 minutes in.  I experienced the peak at about an hour, only to drop off quickly at about 1.5 hours.  I did want to sleep after I began to come down, but this is normal when taking a strong kratom extract. I am convinced my experience would not have been nearly as good if I had taken only one pill.

Final Notes

Altogether, this is a fine product. It works great, especially for the money…although a bit expensive for only 2 pills. While this product is only available in local headshops, it is most certainly worth the money. I can give it a 3 star Fat Sammy rating, which is hard to obtain as my standards are rather high. The packaging could use some work, but I will not let that deter me from giving it an honest rating, effects-wise. And while I would not try this again myself given there are better options, I would not discourage someone from trying it.