Ketoret Bio Kratom Review

Ketoret Bio White Maeng Da Kratom Experience

Are Ketoret Bio Kratom Caps Any Good?

Product: White Maeng Da Kratom Caps (100)

Manufacturer: Ketoret Bio (Ketoret Bionaturals Inc)


Cost: $15.99

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

I found Ketoret Bio Kratom on a discount shelf at a smoke shop.  The bottle looked nice, and a good White Maeng Da can be hard to find these days.  Especially with all the other variations of kratom.  Honestly, though, White Maeng Da is always the best.  This 100 cap bottle is resealable, has a nice wooden top, and the label is very easy to read.  The product claims zero added fillers, 3rd party testing, and that the pills are all-natural. Their website is easy to navigate and has a nice, white feel to it.

Product Administration

There is a disclaimer on the side of the jar that states the capsules are used as containers for the powder only. There are no supplement facts or instructions in terms of how many to consume.  The only other disclaimer is that “the product is not meant to cure or treat any disease or condition.”  I am very familiar with kratom, so I decided to take 8 capsules within an hour, in true Fat Sammy style.  I consumed a single slice of “meat lover’s” pizza before I undertook my capsule taking.  I then consumed 4 more caps about 1-2 hours after the product started to kick in. I typically toss and wash all of my kratom, so I did not make use of the gelcaps…I simply emptied them into my palm, 2 at a time, and swallowed them with a big gulp of water.  The product is faster in terms of delivery this way.

Product Effects

I felt the effects of the first 8 capsules rather quickly, maybe 10 minutes after I began consumption.  I maintained my high for 1-2 hours, though it did take 12 capsules total.  While it sucks having to toss and wash 12 capsules (or even eat 12 caps straight up for that matter), it was worth the light Maeng da high I am used to.  I’m a little disappointed it didn’t last longer, but I do believe this company is selling a reputable strain that can be counted on.  I felt the mild euphoria one gets from kratom and was a lot more talkative.  As a social high, kratom can almost always be counted on when working with a trustworthy brand like Ketoret Bio.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, I have tried better kratom products, however, I do like Ketoret Bio’s White Maeng Da caps.  I found them middle of the line in terms of potency.  I like that the product is all natural, and contained only Mitragyna speciosa (kratom) and gelatin.  I like their transparency as a company, but they did lose a point by taking the “kratom is not for human consumption” route.  This is only because kratom is most certainly a supplement that most companies in the industry are proud to stand by with a supplement facts panel.  Regardless, I can recommend Ketoret Bionaturals and I do feel their kratom is worth the money.