Curevana Delta 10 THC Flower Review

Curevana Delta 10 Flower Experience

Is Curevana Delta 10 THC Flower Any Good?

Product: Delta 10 THC Flower “Junglato” (1 gram -Sativa)

Manufacturer: Curevana (Curevana Inc)


Cost: $9.89

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

Curevana seems to be a CBD-oriented company, although they have lately been pushing their Delta THC variants throughout local headshops.  I picked up this Delta 10 THC flower labeled “Junglato” for 9.89 at my favorite headshop.  The product claims it is a sativa blend, although, I cannot verify that by any means. There is a small icon on the container that claims it is lab tested, although I cannot confirm that fact either. Supposedly, there are 17.5 % total cannabinoids in the container. The regular FDA disclaimers are posted in tiny font, as well as the declaration the product is for 21+ adults only.  There is an attempt to educate consumers on Delta THC variants, that they are derivatives from the Hemp plant, making the product “entirely legal.”

Product Administration

There is a lot of tiny font on the side of the Delta 10 container, and although the company markets this product as Delta 10 variant, it is also revealed in the ingredients section to contain Delta 8 THC distillate as well. As if that weren’t bad enough, it also brings up Delta 9, stating the common Delta disclaimer that the product contains less than 0.3 percent D9 THC.  I smoked through 2 full bowls of this flower (ground up) in roughly 30 minutes time.  A friend of mine also smoked through two bowls of his own in the same time frame.

Product Effects

After smoking through two full bowls of their Delta 10 flower, Curevana left me completely unimpressed.  I would call the actual taste disgusting, like smoking an old, bitter, dated weed.  I was hoping to consume some pizza after my smoke, but all I felt was sick instead.  My friend shared the same experience: left sick with no appetite.  The smell was also awful after we were finished, even ruining our bowls.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately this was one of the worse products I have ever tried. The flower (or bud) was extremely small, felt very old and brittle, and had even lost its marijuana-like smell.  It was not worth even a quarter of the price, and I felt extremely ripped off. This is the second Curevana product I have tried, and I was disappointed both times.  Albeit, I have yet to try any of their CBD products, I believe both Delta variants and CBD alike to be a scam and a fad.  I cannot recommend Curevana at this time and feel they are ripping people off with their fake weed.