Nose Candee Original Cocoa Snuff Review

Product: Nose Candee, Original


Manufacturer/Vendor: Nose Candee

Website: Local only [purchased from head shop]

Cost: $28.99

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

One Star Fat Sammy Rating

General Product Info

To start, I do not even think they sell this online anymore, less for maybe some off-the-wall seller on ebay or something. I did, however, find this for sale at a smoke shop where I live. It looked super interesting but the thick layer of dust caked on top, told me it was sitting un-purchased for a long time. I figured it was due to the price. You don’t get much, even though the picture looks like its big, it’s not that big. And the container is cheaper than it looks too. It will break if you drop it believe it or not. I hate that both of the cocoa snuff products I decided to try came in such terrible containers they broke (one when I dropped it and one when I closed it too tightly). It tells me there is no good container solution for this product.

Product Administration

I snorted this with a little kit I have…giving myself bump after bump until I had gone through (including what I split in the process), more than half the container, and all in a single day. It is harder to snort this stuff than it may sound. Cocoa is rough on the nose, and I do mean it really hurts. The drip you get is really insane too, very painful and irritating. Creates a gag reflex and makes it hard to breath. Tastes bad, not like chocolate.

Product Effects

I did not get any effects of any positive sort from Nose Candee Cocoa Snuff. The problem here is that the theobromine effect is better when you just eat it. The snuff stays in the nasal passageway creating loads of irritation, sneezing, gagging, and unfortunately I also got sick after snorting this stuff. And I do not mean sick as in vomit, although I felt like vomiting. I mean there may have been a contamination in the product, as I was constantly on the toilet and feeling lethargic overall.

Final Thoughts

Cocoa snuff is not for me, and I cannot imagine why anyone would want to do it. It doesn’t feel good. In fact, it feels like a cruel form of third world torture. It doesn’t get you high. You do not feel “happy” and there is no euphoria from snorting cocoa. Nose Candee made me sick. While I am convinced it was contaminated or something, a friend of mine suggested that I blocked some sort of duct or something from snorting thick cocoa particles, and that it created a temporary flu-like symptom. Whatever. Either way, I felt like total crap and I absolutely blame Nose Candee. I would never recommend this product to anyone and feel like I paid to get sick. 1 out of 5 stars. Fat Sammy Out!