Limitless Health Pill Review

Product: Limitless Health Brain Function Pills


Manufacturer/Vendor: Limitless Health


Cost: $59.95

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

Two Star Fat Sammy Rating

General Product Info

It took me a few months, but I got through a ton of smart drug trials. It’s hard because most of them require you to do the drug over the course of an entire month to actually start seeing effects. And I understand why: because the nootropics need to build up in the brain to be effective. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is the reason I can only review a limited number of products to be fair to each one. Limitless Health “Brain Function” Pills by Limitless Health was at the tail end of a longer trial of another smart drug, so I gave myself a huge sobriety break ahead of time to give it the best chance to work. The company took forever to ship me my box and it ended up looking nothing like what I expected. By the time I got it though, I definitely was working with a clean slate. So regardless of how it looked, I tried the product, judgment free.

Product Administration

There are 60 capsules in each bottle and there are 2 capsules to a serving. You are basically supposed to use 2 caps a day. So I took both of mine at the same time, before breakfast with a glass of juice each day, every day for a month straight.

Product Effects

I did not see much benefit from the Limitless Health pills. I wanted to, but it just wasn’t happening. For whatever reason, their ingredient combination (and there’s a boat load of ingredients by the way), kind of puts me to sleep…which was the opposite effect I was looking for. I actually slept 3 hours longer each day in the last week of taking it. That’s a lot of extra sleep.

Final Thoughts

Besides not noticing much positive benefit, I found myself sleeping a lot. I lost 21 hours in my last week of the trial alone altogether to sleep (on top of my normal 6 hours). That means this product had me sleeping 9 hours a day!! Not exactly the effect you want from a “limitless” pill or legal stimulant if you will. There are way better smart drugs, way better legal stimulants and way better limitless pills. Even with the same name, sorry guys. I have to give this product a 2 Star Fat Sammy Rating. The only reason it isn’t a 1 star is because the company shipped me a professional-looking product that was made in the USA.