Dazed8 Purple Dragon HHC Vape Pod Review

Dazed 8 Purple Dragon Hemp Vape Cartridge Experience

Product: Purple Dragon HHC “Premium Indica” Vape Pod (1 mL)

Manufacturer: Dazed 8 (JN Solutions, Nashville, TN)

Manufacturer’s Website: https://dazed8.com

Price: $21.99

Fat Sammy Rating:

Product Information

Dazed 8

I have tried several Dazed 8 products over the course of the last couple of weeks.  I found them at a local headshop of mine.  Unfortunately, I have not been impressed, so my expectations were extremely low going into this particular product. Especially after having tried another vape pod from the company recently and being disappointed.  This specific product was called “Purple Dragon” and focuses on the HHC variation of extract from the hemp plant.  While they have pretty neat packaging, and it looks fun and attractive…the efficacy of the product is really what we all care about the most.

Product Administration

The package has the normal disclaimers on the back, but no real instructions for use. I decided to give this pod the same consideration I did the other one, and vaped on it for about 45 minutes or so, pretty consistently.

Product Effects


This product did absolutely nothing for me. What is worse, is it gave me a slight headache and it tasted pretty awful. I could not get the smell out of the room for a good hour afterwards, and felt like I was tasting this nasty flavor for a good thirty minutes after I was finished. I did not notice a single favorable effect from using this product.

Final Words

With absolutely no redeemable effects from this product, I cannot recommend this vape pod to anyone. I also have not had the opportunity to try an effective Dazed8 product, so I would not be able to recommend their company either. This is a shame, as their designs are pretty neat, and their company looks very professional. I honestly wanted to like this company. If they came out with a product that actually provided some sort of effect or benefit, I’d be quick to get behind them, but presently, this is not the case.  Currently, this product, like many other dazed 8 products, receives a low rating (in this case, a 1 Star Fat Sammy Rating).