Fuego Delta 9 Gummies Review

Do Fuego Delta 9 Gummies Actually Work?

Product: Delta 9 Gummies (10 gummies – 12 mg/each)

Manufacturer: Fuego

Manufacturer’s Website: Only Available in Headshops

Price: $29.99

Fat Sammy Rating:

Product Information

Fuego Delta 9

I purchased these “Fuego” Delta 9 gummies from a local headshop recently. I did not expect much, as I have never really had any effects from any CBD, Delta8, or Delta9 products, but I still decided to give this a shot…as I do with all new products. After all, you never know when you may find a winner. That said, They were colorful in the see-through container. The container itself was cheap feeling, but still did the job and easily reseals. The label, again, cheap feeling, even having the slogan “This Sh*t is Fire” on the front.

Product Administration

The instructions on the label suggest consuming half a gummy to start, waiting an hour, then increasing the dosage as needed. It also suggests not driving or operating heavy machinery after consuming the gummies.  I decided, considering I had never had any Delta 9 success stories yet, to consume all 10 gummies in one go, all at once, on an empty stomach.

Product Effects


Absolutely no effects, besides a slightly upset stomach. I did enjoy the taste, even though the small hint of cannabis taste is a turn off when comparing these gummies to virtually any legit candy. But seriously, in the sense of CBD or Delta laced candies, these tasted pretty good.

Final Words

Despite the fact the gummies tasted better than other delta and cbd gummies…it still was not worth thirty bucks…or an upset stomach. If I could redo this experience, I would have never purchased them. They aren’t worth it, and in my opinion, weren’t even worth reviewing. I feel kind of bad saying that, but I cannot even track down the company’s website…making it seem like a pump and dump scheme only targeting headshops. I can only give this product a 1 star Fat Sammy Rating.