Natures Best Red Vein Maeng Da Kratom Caps Review

Nature’s Best Maeng Da Kratom Pills Review

Product: Red Vein Maeng Da (35 capsules)


Manufacturer: Nature’s Best


Cost: $16.99

General Information

Gen Info

I have heard of Nature’s Best before, I may have even reviewed them in the past. I cannot remember, as it did not make a remarkable impression on me. Still, this was a reasonable price for 35 caps of maeng da kratom, despite the fact it was only red vein (which is notoriously weaker than white vein maeng da).  The container is glass and feels high quality. The label is easy to read and professional. The warnings on the label are normal and reasonable for kratom. That said, I decided to give it a whirl.


There are no usage instructions on the label. I decided to take 6 caps to start after eating a spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy’s (one of my favorite meals). I also had some fries, as well as a coke too. I then took 4 more caps about an hour later, and then 2 hours in, 4 more caps, for a total of 14 caps within 2 hours.

Effects / Experience


I did feel the kratom kick in around the 1.5 hour mark. It was a normal, itchy experience.  The effects lasted about 20 minutes or so, with me feeling a bit more talkative and somewhat relaxed.  However, ultimately, the experience died out after that, hence taking the extra 4 caps at the end.  This did revive the experience for 10-15 minutes longer.  Honestly, however, this was nothing special and I have tried many other strains and brands of kratom with far better effects.

Final Notes

I was a bit disappointed with this one, hence the 2 star Fat Sammy rating. This is because I had to take literally almost half the container in order to feel anything significant, and what I did feel lasted so short of a time period it makes me a bit sick to think about it.  I cannot say anything significantly good about this brand or product, although, I can say it didn’t actually make me ill or give me any undesirable side effects. Still, who pays 16.99 for simply “no side effects”? Obviously, I did.  But that was also obviously a mistake. I will not purchase again and cannot recommend this kratom product. Simply put: it wasn’t worth the money or the experience.  There are far better kratom products out there, some of which I have reviewed and can be found on my other blog pages.