Elevate Natural Hemp Beverage Delta 8 Review

Delta 8 Sparkling Seltzer “Elevate” Experience

Product: Elevate Natural Hemp Beverage – Delta 8 Sparkling Seltzer (12 fl oz) – 12 pack


Manufacturer: Elevate Beverage Company

Website: https://www.elevatebeveragecompany.com/shop

Cost: $40.00

General Information

Gen Info

I found this product online and decided to purchase a 12 pack.  I had never tried a liquid Delta 8 product that was already mixed, and decided that it might be worth it to give it a shot.  The can resembles a beer or soda can, states it is for 21 year olds plus, that you should not consume while pregnant, and that it may cause drowsiness or impairments.  The supplement facts panel states a serving size to be one can.  Supposedly, there are 0 calories in this drink, which is crazy, as it actually tastes pretty decent and the lime flavor is significant. The company did a great job of branding their image, as they have listed their social medias, and a qr code on the actual can.  I like that they clearly state their company name.  The Delta-8 seltzer is “100% hemp derived” and in compliance with the 2018 farm bill.


I chose to consume this product while eating some pizza last Saturday night.  I had 6 cans to myself over the course of two hours, with the first 4 cans being within the first hour.

Effects / Experience

Unfortunately, I did not experience any of the “Delta 8 effects” that one is supposed to feel from consuming this beverage.  The lime flavor was nice, and it settled my stomach a bit, much like ginger ale might, but there was no “legal high” and there was no sedation or euphoria of any kind. This is nothing like actual weed, and I was pretty much let down. It especially sucked paying 40.00 for 12 cans. Drinking 6 of them within 2 hours did nothing.

Final Notes

Extra Info

All-in-all, this was a fairly good tasting drink, which is really why it got more than 1 stars.  Effects wise, this was bunk. I did not feel anything or experience anything, which seems to be normal for Delta 8 products. I truly believe Delta 8 products are a scam, although, I cannot give a good tasting beverage only 1 star, albeit, it was extremely expensive for a 12 pack.  Regardless, I cannot recommend this Delta 8 seltzer to anyone, given it did not achieve any of the desired effects. I hope this company will make other things in the future, as I did find the company professional, as well as their product packaging.