King Royal Kratom Shot Review

King Royal Liquid Kratom Extract Experience

Product: King Royal Premium Kratom Shot (10 ml)


Manufacturer: King Royal (???)

Website: [Smoke Shop only]

Cost: $14.99

General Information

General Info

I have seen King Royal before, I may have even reviewed one of their kratom products, although this one looked new to me. This container is glass, easy to open, and the liquid smells fairly similar to most kratom extracts. The company is obscure in their identification. I assume it’s made by “King Royal,” however, their QR code either doesn’t work or is too small for me to handle.  I literally didn’t have the patience to wait for my camera to identify it and try to open the website.   There isn’t much on the bottle, although it does state it is “made in the USA,” and uses the “highest quality kratom.”


Unfortunately, there is no use instructions or supplement facts panel, a huge negative for me. I chose to consume this entire liquid shot after eating a tuna sub from a really good local sub shop.

Effects / Experience

After about 20 minutes or so, I began to feel a light kratom buzz, a small euphoria, and a light-headedness.  These effects lasted about 10-15 minutes before dithering out and leaving me feeling slightly ill.  I would say I took too much, although the effects themselves (the positive effects) would have been greater if that were the case.

Final Notes

QR Code

I cannot in good conscious give this product anything better than a 2 star review. The reason it doesn’t receive a 1 star review, is because it did provide SOME positive effects. The negative effects weren’t so bad, but still made me sick enough to lower it a couple stars, and the lack of supplement facts or usage instructions lowered it even further. Still, I would not recommend this product and largely felt it was a waste of money and time.