Groovy Fine Kratom Elixir Review

Does Groovy Kratom Elixir Work?

Product: Groovy Fine Kratom Elixir Red Extract (12 ml)


Manufacturer: Groovy Fine

Website: [only available in head shops and smoke shops]

Cost: $17.99

General Information

General Info

This product was purchased at a local smoke shop.  It came wrapped in a cool little “Groovy Fine” baggie, and was a bright colored tube that I found easy to reseal if I had chosen not to consume it all at once. The label is harder to read, but contained all of your normal disclaimers. Given it states it is a “red extract”, I assumed this meant red vein kratom, which I usually find more sedating than energizing.  The inside seal under the lid was rubber, which I found nice and professional.


This product contained no supplement facts panel, a huge negative in my book. However, I assumed consuming the entire container was probably equivalent to one serving size, so I did so on an empty stomach, along with a glass of apple juice to tone the flavor done some.

Effects / Experience

I felt a pretty decent kratom buzz about 25 minutes after consumption.  The effects lasted about half an hour. Kind of short for the price, but still enjoyable, with no real downside. It did not make me sick and it was not sickening to consume it…although I did drink it with an entire glass of apple juice to mask the taste anyway.

Final Notes

The only real downside is that there is no obvious manufacturer or party responsible for making the stuff. I hate when people do that, as you have no idea who could have gone wrong if there was a problem.  It’s probably a cheap Chinese product being upsold at a massive price hike, however, the effects are still good enough to earn it a 2 out of 5 star Fat Sammy Rating. Had they included a supplements facts panel and some manufacturer information (even the company name), I would have given it 3 stars. I would not buy it again, mostly because of the ominous lack of a manufacturer, however, I cannot discourage using this product either.