Genius Plus Focus Pills Review

Genius Plus Pills Experience and Review

Product: Genius+ Focus Pills (Nootropic with Cognizin)

Manufacturer/Vendor: Genius Plus LLC


Cost: $19.99

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

The pill bottle is pretty normal, looks a lot like an Advil or Tylenol bottle.  The label is easy to read and states that the product is for memory and clarity. It is also supposed to help boost focus. The bottle feels pretty cheap. The capsules are green in color, although they are not vegan capsules, but gelatin.  The product is largely relying upon the lion’s mane, L-theanine, caffeine and supposed “cognizing” formula to produce a focus-like effect. There are also many other ingredients, which I suspect are merely fillers. There are 20 capsules per bottle and I purchased my bottles from a local headshop.

Product Administration

A serving size is four capsules. The instructions explain that it is important to consume 12 ounces of water with a dose. It advises new users to try 2 capsules to start.  I did do only 2 capsules the first time.  I then tried this product the following day with 4 capsules. And finally, on the third day, I took 6 capsules (all within an hour).  Each time, I had a light meal beforehand, my first meal of the day. Basically, I ate a poptart each time with a glass of milk and the advised upon water.

I then did a 3 week trial where I used 4 pills a day, for 3 weeks straight. I did this in an attempt to see any long-term nootropics benefits. Additionally, I wanted to see if there would be a tolerance buildup.

Product Effects

I felt a mild alertness after 30 minutes with the first dose (2 pills).  It did not last long.  I took 4 capsules and drank twice as much water the second time, and I noticed a little bit more of a pep and some light focus. I was able to complete some work in a pretty timely fashion. Better than normal, but still, I felt the pills were somewhat shortlived.  The third attempt involved doing 6 capsules within an hour.  I felt the most boost from this, though it was a heavy dose and did follow with what I would describe as a bit of a caffeine crash.  The final trial was a full-on 3 week experiment.  While it was working pretty well for a few days, I started feeling a little sluggish by the end of the first week. I felt this could just be my system getting used to this product, but it progressively got worse to where I felt almost no effects by the third week.

Final Thoughts

While these pills did provide some notable effects, they are most certainly not the best of their class. There are better focus products out there than Genius Plus pills.  Still, they were not the worst and did not provide negative effects, thus earning a three star Fat Sammy review.  One big negative is the cost, as you are paying about $1 per pill.  In my opinion, these are not worth $1 per pill, and there seems to be no long-term benefits from taking it multiple days in a row.  The three week trial yielded less effects towards the end of the trial than the beginning. I cannot recommend this product for long-term use. Maybe once in a while it might be okay, but it’s definitely competing with some better products.