Chocolate Rush Infused Cacao Snuff Review

Chocolate Rush Cacao Experience

Product: Chocolate Rush Infused Raw Cacao Snuff

Manufacturer/Vendor: Theosvino Ventures, LLC

Website: [only purchasable in gas stations, when available, or on ebay, which may be a knock off]

Cost: $19.99

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

Snorting cacao powder has never been a pleasant experience for me, however, I have recently stumbled upon one of the RUSH Chocolate Cacao infused snuffs at my local gas station.  Although the actual container makes no mention of how to ingest it, it does outline 0.25g as the suggested serving size.  The container itself reminds me of a cocaine container, which was obviously by design.  This product is not pure cacao powder (which is simply used for baking to make hot chocolate by the way), but a variety of ingredients. Some of the ingredients found in Chocolate RUSH snuff include: Asian Mint, Wild Mint, Holy Basil, Clove, Ginger, and Kava.  Yes, Basil.  After getting over the initial idea of snorting basil, I went all the way with this one, and snorted two lines, back to back, one nostril after the other.

Product Administration

This product does not make mention of how to ingest it, however, it is marketed in a fashion where snorting is the clear delivery method.  It is also branded as snuff. Snuff is meant for inhalation through the nasal passageway.  Besides, I did eat the entire rest of the container’s contents within an hour of snorting it. So we have the results of both methods anyway.

Product Effects

I am an experienced drug user. I have used many drugs of all types, and I can confidently say this product did nothing for me.  I snorted both lines of Chocolate Rush Cacao Powder back to back and had no effects inside of 20 minutes. I then consumed the entirety of the remaining contents in the container with a half bottle of water and noticed nothing.

Final Thoughts

As convenient as it would be to think that snorting coco powder is going to provide effects or some sort of high, it simply doesn’t work. This was a $20.00 canister of coco powder. The label looks cool. The name sounds cool. The powder looks legit, but in reality, the effects are lacking.  The worst part was the actual pain from drip after snorting two lines.  This was the worst drip I have ever felt in my life. Sorry, I cannot recommend Chocolate Rush Cacao Powder for anything.