Qualia Mind Review and Experience

Product: Qualia Mind Supplement Smart Drug


Manufacturer/Vendor: Neurohacker Collective

Website: Qualia Mind

Cost: $69.50

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

Three Star Fat Sammy Rating

General Product Info

Qualia Mind is a product made by a company called Neurohacker. They are really one of the only smart drug companies that work (alongside Mind lab pro, Limitless Brain Pill, Alpha Brain and of course, my favorite, Piratall). Their formula is heavy, and they carry multiple “versions” of their product. The two most popular it would appear right now are the Qualia Mind and Qualia Mind “Caffeine free” version. This is probably a response to the caffeine scare, where a bunch of people started dying from overdosing on caffeine. Regardless, I bought the caffeine version as I do not mind caffeine in a product if it’s not so much. Qualia does not have so much caffeine in it that I would expect shakiness or a caffeine crash. The company is very professional, shipped very quickly, package was nice, bottle was very impressive, label was easy to read and top grade. Pills didn’t have much smell in my opinion, although my sister felt they smelled like “clean socks” (LOL).

Product Administration

The biggest downside ever is being told you have to take 7 caps in a day as a serving size. 7 capsules is a lot. But I downed them during my trial every morning. Took about 5 minutes to do as I hate swallowing giant pills. Since there are so many ingredients in Qualia Mind, I decided to drink 3 times as much water throughout the day too. I noted that this wasn’t actually an entire month’s worth of capsules. I ran out in the last week of what I thought was going to be a month’s trial.

Product Effects

Qualia can be felt pretty quick if you get the caffeine version, granted you’re mostly getting the effects of caffeine mixing with L-Theanine, which provides a unique interaction. There are a very other ingredients I can clearly feel…the happiness coming from theobromine, relaxation coming from bacopa, and even some better stimulation downstairs from the Rhodiola extract. My memory did improve, maybe not heavily, but at least enough for me to notice. Took about 2-3 weeks before I started building tolerance to the caffeine-like effects I was getting in the morning. I still was able to use this instead of coffee every day. I would say I also felt, overall, healthier.

Final Thoughts

Neurohacker’s Qualia Mind product (with caffeine) is definitely real, and legit. It does work, and I would classify it as one of the better smart drugs. However, it is not going to be anything like Bradley Cooper in the Limitless movie. Still, it was definitely worth the money, and the company made me feel super confident I was getting high quality ingredients. I just wish you didn’t have to take 7 capsules every day, and that it wasn’t so expensive for that type of experience. I was expecting more cognitive function improvements. I bought it, literally to get smarter. At least, that sounded reasonable to me. I tried to study on the stuff, I tried to memorize tables and stories. I tried to interact with people socially. I logged everything I did…but ultimately only saw mild benefits to each of these categories. I definitely saw improvements, just not as great as I would have liked.

Regardless, Qualia Mind definitely worked, and I give it a 3 star rating. I would be interested to see if the non-caffeinated version works better (as I have tried and rated other smart drugs which have far outperformed Qualia Mind and without the use of caffeine). I should note that they also have many other products and it looks like they are releasing even more (things for sleep, relaxation, etc.). All around, Neurohacker looks pretty cool and I like them.