Coco Loko Cocoa Snuff Review

Product: Coco Loko Cocoa Powder Snuff


Manufacturer/Vendor: Legal Lean (yes the makers of the legal lean syrup, which I have also reviewed)

Website: [Local Purchase at Head Shop]

Cost: $29.99

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

One Star Fat Sammy Rating

General Product Info

I need to begin by stating this product is no longer for sale from what I can tell. So if you are looking it up, it’s because you’re finding it in a local head shop or retail store, or have found some old sales outlet trying to unload their aging product. This stuff looks cool. Their advertising gimmick is neat…snorting cocoa sounds like it would work, because cocoa and cocaine are related, right? I will detail my experience here, but first, the container itself IS eye-catching and I can see why so many people wanted to try it. It was a really huge fad for a while (other products like this one exist still and more are always being rebranded). The texture and the consistency of the powder will give someone great faith. The “earthy smell” will help instill confidence in the product. And for many people, the price is the final justification that it is “worth buying,” as most people assume just because it is expensive, it will work great. Obviously as I have proven many times before, that is simply not true. And Coco Loko is a very sketchy product unfortunately.

Product Administration

I snorted 2 lines of this stuff at a time, once every 30-45 minutes for a few hours. I used a normal dollar bill method (hundies only baby), and set out a normal looking line for most drugs.

Product Effects

The taste was pretty bad and was more akin to a root or what it may be like to eat dirt, rather than chocolate. The smell was ok at first, until it was residing in my nasal cavities and sinuses, never dissolving like it should. Usually you are only supposed to snort water-soluble things. And while I assumed this was water soluble (and I am pretty sure it is by the way lol), the particles of the cocoa were so thick they were simply NOT absorbing properly. Instead, I had gunks of stuff floating into the back of my throat and antagonizing my gag reflex. There was no high, no euphoria, no stimulation, and no “feel good” mood enhancement as described. Just a huge hole in my wallet from a clever looking container of crappy tasting dirt that I snorted over and over again until my nose bled. Not fun.

Final Thoughts

This stuff was horrible. It gave me a really bad rash in my nose, destroyed my nasal cavities far worse than anything I have ever snorted (and believe me, I’ve snorted some serious sh*t), and to top it all off, it didn’t even get me high. I felt absolutely nothing from this. I have deduced they are relying on the theobromine that is naturally present in chocolate, and that I could have gotten a better dopamine boost if I would have just eaten 6 chocolate bars. Then at least the chocolate wouldn’t have had to enter my blood stream through the back of my throat as I constantly try to deal with the heaviest, worst, most nauseating drip I have ever experienced. Be prepared if you try Coco Loko to hate it.

If you really want to try it, let me know and I’ll send you what’s left of mine (just kidding, it’s in the trash)!