Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil Review and Experience

Product: BulletProof Brain Octane Oil (32 oz)


Manufacturer/Vendor: Bulletproof

Website: https://www.bulletproof.com/products/brain-octane-oil

Cost: $45.95

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

Four Star Fat Sammy Rating

General Product Info

The Bulletproof company is professional and their products show up looking like you’d expect. They are well protected for shipment and the bottles are good quality. The labels are easy to read. Brain Octane Oil is a product I have wanted to try for a while and finally decided to give it a shot recently. I purchased Bulletproof’s Brain Octane Oil because of its advantages to cognitive function. I like smart drugs, and have tried many of them. I prefer pills for sure, however, this product was not hard to use. And it is also more easily digested than a pill (and more evenly), which is a plus.

Bulletproof actually sells a lot of coffees and stimulants, so I went into this expecting great things. I have never seen any of their products in a store (or in person for that matter prior to ordering), but I think they are store-worthy! The company has a very clean look and I like it a lot!

Product Administration

It works by being mixed into coffee. I actually use an old fashioned coffee pot (because I drink so much coffee I ruin kuerigs basically), so it was very easy for me to blend it into my pot. I don’t know what other people do really, but I know I put 1 ounce into my coffee pot (enough to make 4 cups of coffee, which I subsequently drink throughout the day) and I consider that a serving personally.

I should note that my trial with Bulletproof’s Brain Octane Oil was three fold: 10 days straight of the stuff once per day like the instructions state, then 10 days straight of using it WITH my other smart drugs/pills, and finally I have been using it every 3 days as described.

Product Effects

When I used Brain Octane Oil by itself, it wasn’t as powerful as I would have liked. After the 10th day, I would say I had begun to notice a tolerance too. The first few days were best. After you start using it daily, the efficacy feels a little diluted.

When I used Brain Octane Oil for the second 10 days, I was also using my regular smart drug (Piratall), which I had to stop before trialing Brain Octane Oil. Now this experience was a lot better and felt more complete. Piratall does it for me, so I was already understanding it would be a tough comparison. Using them both together worked great, however, I couldn’t help but identify with a DEFINITE tolerance buildup on the Brain Octane Oil. I do not experience that kind of tolerance with Piratall, which I continue to take daily.

My third trial (still on going as of more than a month now), involves using Piratall every day still and only using Brain Octane Oil once every three days. This has proven to be the most effective strategy. Piratall is great and gives me everything I need but the Brain Octane Oil helps me take my normal nootropics much farther in my opinion. If someone were going to try Brain Octane Oil, I would suggest not trying it alone, but with some other kind of nootropic supplement meant to bolster cognitive function and thinking.

Final Thoughts

All in all, I would recommend Bulletproof as a company, as well as their product, Brain Octane Oil. I would not consider this an “all in one solution” – as it does not provide me the same benefits some of my other favorite smart drugs provide. Still, even though I use another smart drug every day (Piratall), I have decided to implement Brain Octane Oil into my weekly diet, choosing to use it once every 3 days. This plan has worked out great and I feel like my body does not build up any tolerance to the oil, and I still get all the benefits of my other smart drugs. In the end, Brain Octane Oil (and Bulletproof) get a solid 4 Star Fat Sammy Rating for being pretty awesome!