Root of Happiness Samoan Kava Powder Review

Product: Premium Samoan Kava Powder (1/2 lb bag)

Root of happiness review

Manufacturer/Vendor: Root of Happiness

Website: Root of Happiness

Cost: $31.00

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

Realistically not much has ever really been expected out of the Kava products I have encountered. I have never had a really impressive experience on any Kava product, whether it was a vaped wax, a tea or liquid shot, nor any powders. Still, I approached Root of Happiness’ Premium Samoan Kava Powder as though it were the first time I had ever tried Kava. The packaging is nice. The powder is smooth and no anomalies were present in the blend (it looked evenly powderized). It smelled like you would imagine premium Kava would smell. The bag reseals. Shipping was a little slow, but admittedly it was around a holiday.

Product Administration

The instructions were to consume 2 grams of the kava strained through a strainer bag (basically making your own tea) in warm water, up to 3 times a day. I did all 3 servings within an hour (as a way to increase the potency to effects which could be felt). I did not flavor the water or anything, so it tasted pretty much like dirt. It also made my urine smell a little funny, but some of these kinds of things will do that and it never worries me too much (heck asparagus makes your urine smell funny, and other substances such as feverfew will color your urine orange or green). Bear in mind that still Kava is never recommended for people with kidney or liver problems though.

Product Effects

I waited 30 minutes after consuming the first glass of Root of Happiness’ Samoan Kava. It did not do anything. I did not feel peppy, energetic, talkative, or any of the things people hope for in a Kava experience. So I did it Fat Sammy style, and downed the next two servings back to back within 30 minutes…ensuring that I consumed the entire 3 servings within an hour. I still unfortunately felt nothing. Not at any point did I feel any change in mood, energy, or social relations.

Final Thoughts

Unfortunately, as good-looking as this product is, as smooth as the purchasing process was, as professional as it felt in my hands, it still tasted terrible and did absolutely nothing for me. If it were able to give me the effects people all seek-ought Kava for (energizing, social kind of substance), it would be worth the price…as you get a ton of the stuff for almost nothing. However, when you take into account it does nothing for you except make your mouth tingle and taste like dirt, the value quickly reduces to zero. I have to give it two stars instead of one, as it is not their fault Kava sucks…and there are so many companies out there selling a lot worse.