Katy Limitless Review (Legal Ecstasy Alternative)

Product: KATY LOVE


Manufacturer/Vendor: Limitless Life


Cost: $19.95

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating
*This product has been renewed and has now been re-reviewed:


General Product Info

The idea behind KATY Love is that it is a legal ecstasy alternative. The little vial it comes in is much sleeker than most products, which is obviously a plus…as no one wants to feel like they have purchased anything cheap. There are four pills in each vial…they are a little sketchy looking as there is some very obvious gunk in each capsule…but I just assumed that it was the “good stuff,” that actually gets you high. KATY Love is marketed as though it will literally be like ecstasy. It is supposed to provide an empathy, which is a feeling for other people and a feeling of closeness. It is supposed to also provide an energy boost and music appreciation. These are all the things I read in the marketing material, their website and other experiences.

KATY is an organic formula, which is one of the huge attractions to the stuff…as organic is almost always considered healthier. The website specifically promotes KATY as a way to boost and “stimulate dopamine, serotonin, and GABA production.” It is also supposed to do it with no crash or jitters, and no other negative side effects. These chemicals do help create more emotional, passionate moments, and some sources suggest it does encourage more oxytocin.

Product Administration

The supplement facts included suggest 1 to 3 capsules as a serving within a 12 hour period. For my first experience with KATY, I took 2 capsules all at once, with only a very light meal about an hour beforehand (a single, small turkey pot pie) [pills consumed at 8pm before heading out]. This first experiment took place at a local hot spot nightclub by the beach which is partially outdoors. I though the combination of indoor sound vibrations and the cool air from the patio scene may provide a more thorough experience. I did take the other 2 pills later that evening, towards midnight.

The second experience with KATY involved taking 3 pills at once, and the fourth within 2 hours as well. This experience took place at a house party hosted at…you guessed it: Fat Sammy’s place! The reason for the location was in case there were any negative side effects, I wanted to be able to puke in my own toilet. I ate much less, only a small cup of fries beforehand. I did eat another cup of fries in between the first three pills and the fourth pill.

Product Effects

To start, KATY love does work and it is quite effective. It is not exactly like real ecstasy, and yes, I know what that is like. I can tell you though, out of every single “legal ecstasy alternative” I have tried, KATY Love is the BEST ONE THERE IS. It is one of the more euphoric legal drugs available. With my first experiment, I began experiencing the euphoria and positive mood changes within about 30 minutes. It was before I even showed up at the nightclub, that I was already feeling like I was ready to dance. By the time I got there, I was practically bouncing off the walls and talking like a maniac.

Seeing how much of a good time I was having, someone else in our group decided to try it before we went in. I met new people, had a long chat with the bartender who was super hot, and I believe the alcohol strengthened the effects. While I am not able to advise anyone to take alcohol with anything, as that’s a good way to get dehydrated, or create other health concerns…but I frequently do it myself and since this is a legal drug, I’m going to be honest about it. I took the second set of pills after the effects began to dull down…some 4 hours later…and these kept me going until about 4 am. I did experience a crash, but I attribute this to the fact that I danced more in my life that night than ever before, combined…not from KATY. I would say, I had no negative side effects at all this experience.

The second experience was much more intense, for much less time. I believe that three capsules all at once is too much, at least for me, as I did feel like I needed to vomit for a good 20 minutes. However, after that, I was doing great and even got some more food down. I have never felt music like I felt it on KATY from any other legal drug. It was as though the bass was coursing through my veins. I felt extremely warm, and the feeling was pleasant…similar to Vicodin. I did take the fourth pill closer to the original dose because I wanted to see how far of a “flushed,” happy kind of feeling I could get from the stuff within safe, reasonable limits. The fourth pill did keep the peak higher for much longer, however, the crash altogether was about the same as my first experience, coming about 5 hours later, and I didn’t do any dancing this time, so I believe it may have come from simply taking too much all at once. Still, it was a very great feeling and I did feel very aroused…which was, for lack of a better term, rather “convenient” for that particular night!

Final Thoughts

KATY Love is very effective. It does provide euphoria. It does provide energy. And it DOES provide empathy and closeness to others. There is no doubt about it, this is one of the hottest legal party pills kind of drug out there right now. Limitlesslife has made a lot of similar supplements in the past, and I admit to having higher expectations for this product than most. So, I was quite happy to see KATY met my expectations, perhaps even exceeding them. KATY was great for many things, including real music appreciation, a big boost of energy, a mood-altering euphoria that couldn’t be ignored, and a deeper desire for intimacy. KATY itself definitely also makes sex better. All in all, it earned itself one of the elusive 5 star ratings and is a great legal high. The only downside is using it too often seems to develop a tolerance (and is an expensive habit).

Shayana Shop Royal X Review

Product: Royal X Legal XTC (Herbal Ecstasy)


Manufacturer/Vendor: Shayana Shop

Website: https://www.shayanashop.com

Cost: $12.49

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

Royal X is the second of its product line, first being “Royal T” which I had tried long ago. My Royal T experience was too outdated to post, and I felt I owed this company a fresh review, so I tried Royal X. The instructions indicate shaking well being important, which means the solution is a mixture. Mixtures are always concerning to me, especially when it comes to things like ecstasy, because it means the administration can be uneven. Fortunately, this product requires drinking the entire contents, so that is less of a concern here.

The advertisement said it would last about 4 hours and that the effects are literally similar to “illegal xtc.” This herbal shooter has a cheap feeling label, and comes in a cheap feeling package, however, the bottle itself felt high quality and was kind of cool. I still have it and use it for other drugs (stripped the label of course). Royal X suggests eating one hour before consuming the contents of the bottle. It is also suggested not to operate machinery or drive motor vehicles after consuming Royal X. The product also suggests consuming a glass of water or juice immediately afterwards.

Product Administration

I did as the bottle directed, eating a nice meal one hour before administration. I had steak, potatoes and corn on the cob (just in case anyone finds this relevant). I had one glass of juice with my meal (blueberry juice). It was suggested that the bottle be consumed in two halves, using the first half to “check for response.” This is presumably a safety precaution, in case it is too strong for someone, or a negative reaction is experienced. I consumed the first half exactly one hour after finishing my meal. I waited 20 minutes and had no negative side effects, thus consuming the second half.

Product Effects

I did feel a little tingling feeling 20 minutes into the experience (after the first half of the bottle was consumed). At this time, I consumed the other half of the bottle. I did feel a more intense tingle about 35 minutes into the experience (15 minutes after consuming the second half of the bottle). This tingling brought about a more energized, talkative nature, which encouraged me to call up an ex girlfriend who I am now taking out this coming weekend. I began the call about an hour after the first dose. The tingling stopped about when I got off the phone, which was only a few moments later.

I started feeling really lazy and I did a lot of thinking after this phone call. I sat and thought on my couch for about 2 hours…feeling great empathy for others in my life. I felt the need to want to apologize to anyone I had ever harmed or wronged…and I did. The next day, I kind of regretted this, as I did not any longer feel this empathy for them and wished I hadn’t apologized. Ultimately my empathy had lasted about 3 hours. I would describe the mood enhancing effects about 1.5 hours long, starting 20 minutes after the first half. I would say the talkative energy lasted about an hour total, starting 20 minutes after the first dose.

Final Thoughts

Royal X did work and did provide some effects. I would call them more like taking half of a Percocet pill, rather than ecstasy. Royal X did provide the empathy and a little burst of energy, but it is no where near as intense as actual ecstasy. The high is definitely more herbal and low key…and it is somewhat short-lived. The laziness I felt outweighed the energy so shortly after peak that I would not say it is a very good “party drug.” But it did help me work out some of my emotional battles, even if I sort of regretted how it changed my life…I’m sure everyone else is really happy with my apologies (please read the effects if you do not know what I am talking about here). If I tried Royal X again, I would drink the whole bottle with maybe half a slice of bread to help “soak up some of it” and act as a sort of extended release. I believe that would lead to a better experience…still nothing like ecstasy. Royal X is marketed like ecstasy, which is definitely misleading…but it DOES provide some effects, so it has received a 3 star rating.

Herbal Fire Botanicals Poppy Seeds Review

Product: Poppy Seeds (Papaver somniferum)


Manufacturer/Vendor: Herbal Fire Botanicals

Website: https://www.herbalfire.com

Cost: $5.00

Fat Sam’s Legal High Rating

General Product Info

The Opium seeds showed up in a baggie and had a note that it was not for human consumption. They were high quality looking seeds, and there were a ton of them. Probably thousands. Herbal Fire reveals some of the rich history of the Opium poppy on their site, indicating they were probably used for thousands of years (true). There is no indicator of using them to get high, or as a precursor for opium or heroin.

Product Administration

I consumed a ton of these seeds, 4 teaspoons to be exact on an empty stomach. I watched a movie afterwards, The Matrix. I did not eat any more after the initial 4 teaspoon dose.

Product Effects

I did notice the effects of the opiates in my system. I noticed my chronic pain was gone, an effect that lasted a few hours. I also felt like I had entered into a sort of “trance,” however, this period of tranquility only lasted about an hour, towards the middle of the trip. I did not do more of them, as I had heard it is unsafe to consume large amounts of Poppy seeds, despite them being able to get you high. Being that it can be dangerous, it would probably be more worth it to perform an extraction. I did feel a little sick afterwards…but again, I assume this is because eating them is much less effective.

Final Thoughts

Herbal Fire Botanical’s seeds were legit Opium Poppy seeds. I do not suggest or condone that anyone extract an illegal or controlled substance from these seeds, but I do absolutely suggest that it is a more effective high than eating them. Still, the review was meant to judge the seeds effectiveness as a legal high, and they actually do contain psychoactive opiates which can get you high. They are affordable and come from a professional source.