Azteca Calea Zacatechichi (Edge77) Review

Aztecan Calea

Azteca Calea Edge77 Dream Herb Review

Product: Premium Azteca Calea Zacatechichi (1 ounce)

Manufacturer: Edge77

Manufacturer’s Website:

Price: $54.99

Fat Sammy Rating:

Product Information

Edge77 has been around for a while. I have used them for years. They are the guys who brought us “Jolly Lotus” – a legal marijuana substitute, which I reviewed very very well. They also sell many other “legal highs” and natural, psychoactives which I have enjoyed throughout the years. I recently reviewed their “Mega Pack” which came with a number of goodies. I especially enjoyed the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose. Sadly, though, this product was not included in their Mega Pack, so I decided to purchase it separately and give it a go. Supposedly, this is a premium version of Zacatechichi, the “dream herb.” The idea is that it is supposed to send you into a trance like state during your dreams, where you become incredibly lucid, powerful, and in control. The plant itself is used by shaman, traditionally, to scry the future and have “visions.”  I am not sure I buy into all that, but I definitely wanted to try it for its lucid-inducing and vivid dreams.

Product Administration


There are never any usage instructions on these products from Edge77, because they are not allowed to sell their products for human consumption. With that said, I had done a lot of reading and decided that creating a tea out of about 1/3 of the ounce would be a good idea. I just brought about 2 cups of water to a boil, added the herb, and stirred until the water had reduced to about half of its original level. The herb was then strained after the water cooled, and I had my extracted Zacatechichi tea. I did a repeat trial the following night, choosing to smoke it out of a bowl. Both administration times, I did at night, about 30 minutes before bedtime.

Product Effects

Within about 15 minutes after ingesting about a cup of the tea, I began feeling incredibly relaxed, and a bit more connected with the Universe. I did doze off shortly after, and I DID have some of the most INCREDIBLE, RIDICULOUSLY LUCID DREAMS I HAVE EVER HAD! I was not only able to tell I was dreaming, but choose where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do.  I had decided to go to space, where I was able to float around without any type of breathing apparatus. I was able to look down on the Earth beneath me, which looked SO realistic! I was able to visit an old friend, and even get some advice! This lasted for a few hours, as I had woken up after hearing my dog barking in the other room and could not get back to sleep.

The smoking trial was no different. I smoked a single bowl of this herb 30 minutes before bed. I finished the bowl about 15 minutes before I fell asleep in my chair in the office and I immediately was back in control. I re-experienced some of the best parts of my high school: lunch and soccer. I also enjoyed a few other dreams, which I will not detail here…but they were quite steamy in nature. This time, I was able to stay asleep and it probably lasted about 4 hours before I lost control and woke up from the “rest of the dream.”

Final Words

Ultimately, this is one of the most impressive “trips” I have ever had. The dreams were incredible. The escape was pretty amazing…and the ability to do whatever you want in your dreams almost takes away from the pain of everyday living in a world we have literally no control over. I did expect great things, as I really like Edge77 and have been buying their various products for years…but this is the first time I can recall trying Zacatechichi, and theirs, I have no doubt, truly is “premium.” For this, I give them a well-earned 5 Star Fat Sammy Rating and I can confidently suggest this product to anyone. I do suggest smoking rather than the tea, as the experience was the same for me, despite the fact I used far less when smoking it!